SkyFi Custom Vintage Turntables

We've always been a big fan of idle drive turntables, most of which were manufactured in the 60's and 70's by European brands like Garrard, Thorens, and Lenco. The challenge is that it takes a lot of effort to get one working to its full potential, and to look good enough to display in a well decorated living room. Most plinths from that era were sub-standard, and the tonearms were quickly outdated. The drive itself and related hardware have usually seen a lot of hours and are often in need of service and complicated adjustments.
We source our plinths from Europe, taking advantage of the skilled craftsmanship and access to exotic veneers and finishes. Most of our plinths are made out of multiple layers of high density boards, stacked together and carefully routed to accept a specific vintage drive. This results in a super dense and stable platform to mount the drive and arm. They are finished in one of many available exotic wood veneers, and sealed with a high gloss piano or matte finish.
We also source our drives from Europe, where there is solid access to both skilled technicians (capable of bringing them back up to original specifications), and to the intricate parts that are becoming increasingly difficult to locate.
Our clients can purchase tonearms and cartridges from our inventory of both new and vintage reconditioned pieces, as we stock new pieces from Sumiko, Grado, ClearAudio and Miyajima. Alternatively, sometimes clients chose to provide their own favorite tonearm or cartridge.
We then add our signature final touches which include: machined adjustable feet perfectly matched to the look of the table, sophisticated strobe light circuitry allowing us to use European platters and drives in the 120V 60Hz US market, and high-quality power cord and stereo RCA type inputs, which allows you to choose your favorite cables from companies such as Nordost, Kimber Kable, AudioQuest, Cardas, and many more.
All of the above customization adds up to owning a classic, one of a kind, bespoke vintage turntable, capable of working and providing joy in spinning your vinyl collection for another 60 years.
You can choose from one of our pre-designed, handmade, ready to ship 'tables (and even make slight adjustments), or purchase a full custom piece crafted exactly to your liking in about four weeks.
Simply click here to send us a message and get started today - or click here to see the custom designed 'tables that we currently have in stock.